Goal Based SIP Investment




Our Aim is to take you to the place where growth is. Make our clients see the growth, feel it & enjoy it too! Living life is one thing but Living Life with growth is a fulfilling experience. Your investments should be placed at right instruments at right time to manage the risks & multiply it in longer periods. We at INMF provide you a right platform to choose & invest for your growth journey.
Know MoreWe made the investment reports very easy through Mutual fund software for distributors, all the key data you can view in a glance. We provide best financial management platform in India to advisors.
We offer a 100% paperless process of investment. It takes a few seconds to register a SIP or Purchase an ELSS.
Give purpose to your investments, you can map all your investments with the goal like child education, marriage or retirement.
Invest in well researched cherry-picked perfectly balanced portfoli